Holistic Energy Healing believes that the material universe is nothing more than a very dense form of energy. Everything that exists in this universe, from the most subtle, to the grossest, densest realms of matter, is aligned in an energy continuum. The Holistic Energy for healing flows constantly from these highly refined realms and moving down through the astral, etheric, electromagnetic levels and finally into the material realm of existence. <
This Energy is formless - it is the source of everything. Holistic Energy Healing determines Tachyon Energy as the very first energetic structure that has a structured field. In itself, Tachyon Energy has stored all potential needed to create a perfect Energetic Continuum in every human body, mineral and/ or animal kingdom. The only thing we need for achieving health and balance in our lives is a freely flowing Holistic Energy Healing Continuum circulating freely through our charkas and material cells. Holistic Energy Healing power flows through our charkas and cells, it completely organizes the entire metabolism in a perfectly balanced manner that is the way we are meant to function.
Animals, not influenced in any way by human beings live completely healthy lives, because they do not have the ability to block the Energetic continuum through unbalanced psychological behaviour.
If any layer or chakra of this subtle system is blocked, energy will not flow freely down into the material level. There will be deficiency or congestion that prevent a regular function of the material body. This is why so many diseases are co-influenced by blockages in the subtle body. This also emphasizes why our emotional and mental state affect our physical body. <
Attention: Our emotional and mental state must also be controlled and balanced through introspection.
Energy deficiency or congestion can be also regulated through the Art of Holistic Energy Healing – such as Spiritual Healing and Psychic Healing.
Love is the quality which tempers this energy and transforms it into healing power. <
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